Diapath Instruments
DONATELLO SERIES 2 - Automatic Tissue Processor

Donatello Series 2 is the new automatic Diapath tissue processor for histological samples designed to enhance lab routine and guarantee reliability, safety and best quality results for the user. Innovation, reliability and safety in processing.
GALILEO SERIES 2 - Automatic Microtome

The new rotary microtomes line Galileo Series 2 is designed to meet requirements of precision, reliability, safety and assure the best performances in histological samples cutting in Anatomic Pathology lab.
GIOTTO - Automatic stainer
Automatic stainer for histological, cytological and histochemical stainings on slide, ideally suited for Anatomic Pathology lab.
DANTE - Embedding system

Dante the Embedding System for the best comfort and efficiency in anatomic pathology lab.